Author: Ken

  • Optimizing Your Website For Search Engines Can Be Your Key To Success

    While Google has become popular for their special occasion related doodles on their front page, this first goes back to 1998 when their creators went to Burning Man by creating a similar out of office doodle. While creativity like this is important to any business, so is the need to be ranked highly in search…

  • Raising Your Google Rankings Online Easily

    Google started out using LEGO bricks to house the servers that it used when it was only a research process. Today, Google is an important web site for businesses looking to attract as many consumers as possible. If you want to get Internet marketing that will improve your Google rankings ensure that you deal with…

  • Google Rankings are the Industry Standard for Both Consumers and Businesses

    Google’s co founders were on to something when they used LEGO blocks to store the hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm, which eventually would become what people today know as Google rankings. They did not necessarily have it in their pockets by using the LEGO blocks, nor did they necessarily hit…