SEO News Brings to Light Plenty of Facts

Search engine optimization

Google has been on top of the search engine optimization world ever since its co founder, Larry Page, worked alongside other co founders to create the PageRank algorithm. The algorithm process eventually was named after Page, though he was just one of many people who worked tirelessly on it. It paid off, since today the company has the largest market share across the globe in this market. Even when it tweeted binary code for I’m feeling lucky in 2009, the company did not need luck. It had curious minds and technology geeks in its corner.

Today, Google rankings largely control the volume of data that is found online. Through these rankings, companies get ranked and users get information. But this system does not really work that easily anymore, though tools like SEO are changing that. Through SEO, search engine rankings can easily be manipulated in a legal and ethical way without destroying the integrity of a company or without misleading a consumer or online user. Everything found in a search engine ranking page is accurate and correlates closely with the researched subject.

How a tool like SEO manipulates this is through both analysis and content creation. Those wanting more input on it can research SEO news to uncover this world and to understand how its inner workings develop stronger presences for the people who use it. Through Seo news, people can gather insightful information like the fact that more than 88 percent of online users who are at least 14 years of ago will research products online in 2012, and about 40 percent of this segment will follow up on a product using social media prior to making any purchases. Through learning Seo news like this, an individual or a company could easily configure just how SEO could benefit them.

Through staying up to date on SEO news, a person also could discover that about 48 percent of people who own mobile devices will look up product reviews and find other related information on a product through their phones, this strengthening the impact of SEO. Or that 65 percent of mobile phone owners will use their phones or their tablets to find companies in their areas and even make purchases. What this SEO news represents is that the market is changing and that companies that do not invest in SEO have no chance of competing against other businesses for customers.

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