While the first ever Tweet sent by Google on February 26, 2006 was binary code for “I am feeling lucky”, luck has nothing to do with making sure your website is at the top of the search engine results.
There are plenty of facts that prove that you need more than luck to drive new business to your site. SEO reporting sites say that three quarters of Internet search users will not go past the first page of search results. Other statistics indicate that more than 88 percent of Internet users in the United States, ages 14 and older, will research or browse products in 2012. Interestingly, about 40 percent of those will also use social media to do further research before actually making a purchase.
Now, this means that in order for your website to generate new business for your company, it must be at the top of the search listing according to SEO reporting. You may be thinking that search engine optimization services are going to be too expensive. Well, SEO reporting facts show that leads generated through SEO have a 14.6 percent close rate. On the other hand, outbound leads generated through traditional advertising such as print ads, only average a 1.7 percent close rate.
You want to work with an SEO reseller who will give you all the SEO reporting tools and systems to create a better built website, including optimization for mobile devices. SEO reporting can help you take advantage of the 65 percent of mobile Internet users who say they rely on their smart phone or table to find a local business and make a purchase.
And a SEO reporting and optimization company will help you maintain a strong presence on social media sites to take advantage of the popularity of these platforms as a way to research businesses and services.
SEO reporting services will also help you create and maintain an effective email marketing campaign. Many people are drawn to websites after receiving a compelling email from a company. You will be able to drive new visitors to your site through this SEO reporting system. You can also stay in contact with current customers to promote continued business.