In Google’s infancy, when it was not yet a business and still a research project, its originators used LEGOs to make a storage center for all of the 10 4 gigabyte hard drives they used to test the PageRank algorithm that would become the gold standard for all search engines. It seems like eons ago but in actuality this occurred probably a decade or so ago, when Google was just gaining footing as a concept that would go on to change how people searched for things online.
?Flash forward to today, when millions of Internet search engine users rely on Google rankings to identify the closest, the best and the most popular services they want. And how do these people search? Well, about three fourths of them stop at the very first page of search results, according to research. While Google search engine rankings go on for pages and pages, people often stop at the first. This proves the dire need for SEO tools to get companies on that first page.
SEO tools are essentially a set of Internet marketing tools designed to break through Google’s algorithms and follow them to a T so the businesses using those SEO tools can be on that very first page every time. These online marketing tools simply get companies noticed in a way that nothing else has been able to do before then or since then. With these SEO tools, companies that were stuck in the background, desperate for customers, now are in the foreground, soaking up the spotlight.
Through search engine optimization, these companies are realizing new profits and are taking truer advantage of new and useful opportunities to grow into different markets and segments. For example, through using SEO tools companies can reach the more than 70 million users who now rely almost entirely on their cell phones and tablet computers to conduct research. Almost half of people who use their mobile devices for research say they read product reviews, look for promotions and use other tactics to gain useful information all from their devices. Companies wanting a slice of that pie can effectively do so with the right set of SEO tools.
With click through rates for organic hits 25 percent higher on average than those from pay per click advertising, companies are wise to switch over to using SEO tools. Or, at the very least, the companies that enact SEO programs on top of their online advertising efforts are smart. They realize a good investment when they see one.