Category: Internet marketing

  • Three Reasons Businesses Need Internet Marketing Professionals

    Calls for the demise of search engine optimization as a crucial form of internet marketing have been vastly overstated. Indeed, many who call SEO a dead online marketing technique are just doing it for the attention, the buzz that going against the grain generates. On the other hand, many spread this untruth around simply because…

  • Online Marketing Helping Many Businesses Reach the Top

    With new online marketing techniques being made available to up and coming businesses everyday, finding the right ones for your business can seem like an overwhelming task. It is important when choosing the main aspects of your advertisement campaign to keep in mind that the internet is becoming a main source of sales leads for…

  • Google Rankings are the Industry Standard for Both Consumers and Businesses

    Google’s co founders were on to something when they used LEGO blocks to store the hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm, which eventually would become what people today know as Google rankings. They did not necessarily have it in their pockets by using the LEGO blocks, nor did they necessarily hit…